Friday, 6 January 2012

Without Fire Smoke Electronic Cigarette(cigarette electronique)

Recently asked to write an electronic cigarette(elektronische zigarette), I must confess that I had never heard of anything like that. Some of the research on the Internet, and later I discovered that electronic cigarettes(elektronischen zigaretten) are a rapidly growing problem. Google search revealed there is no smoke without fire, almost six million results only in "electronic cigarettes (elektroniske cigaretter)" were returned sentence.
What is electronic cigarette(elektronisk cigaret)?
The electronic cigarette(cigarette electronique) has been in existence for almost three years and is an ingenious device to provide smokers with a healthier choice. Apparently, it is useful to help reduce or even stop smoking completely.
However, in a fourth generation, e-cigarette have become much more user friendly than previous versions, which was perhaps a little too big to encourage attractive to the mass market. "Mini" Electronic Cigarette(cigarettes electroniques) is the most realistic to date with its length of 100mm is the same as a regular cigarette.
An electronic cigarette(sigaretta elettronica) contains a taste of tobacco, but none of the harmful substances found in regular cigarettes(sigarette elettroniche) give smokers cravings to be satisfied without inhaling the toxins, even dangerous. Is it all smoke and mirrors? Or maybe this article will be really the Savior?
A battery, an atomiser and a renewable nicotine chamber allows the smoker to hold and smoke the electronic cigarette as they would any other cigarette(cigarros electronicos), even creating a "smoke" as the steam and glow in the end while drawn. The room of nicotine is very useful as cartridges are available in different strengths, allowing the user to reduce the amount of nicotine intake up if you want, you can stop completely.

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