Sunday, 19 February 2012

How You Could Obtain Smoking Support by elektronischen zigaretten

Back in the old days, tobacco use was regarded as an incredibly trendy activity. However, at present, scientific advancements and a lot of research have shown that the substances in cigarette (elektronische zigarette)sticks are very damaging to the human body and are associated with many serious illnesses and forms of cancer. Due to these developments, many people have chosen to give up using tobacco and the vice has garnered a negative reputation. This article gives information and facts for those who need smoking cessation support.

It is a fact that quitting smoking is among the hardest endeavors that you'll carry out in your life by cigarrillos electronicos. Nicotine is a very addicting chemical, and the withdrawal symptoms that are brought on by quitting cigarette smoking are like those experienced by drug addicts. So many folks have attempted to stop smoking and fell short, and some have already surrendered, thinking that they'll never have the capacity to kick their dependency. If you're one of those smokers use cigarrillo electronico who just can't quit, this endeavor could be disheartening and demoralising. Don't throw in the towel! Those who've got smoking cessation support would have a better prospect of doing well and having a healthy life, and it's about time you get hold of the smoking cessation support you need!

There are lots of quit smoking aids in the marketplace that make it easier for you to quit smoking and handle your nicotine hankerings and withdrawal discomforts. Most nicotine junkies choose to utilize nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) to quit smoking cigarettes. Nicotine patches and nicotine chewing gum are 2 of the most prominent forms of NRT, and they get the job done by releasing changing amounts of nicotine into your bloodstream until you eventually wean yourself off the addicting chemical. These solutions have their very own sets of pros and cons: nicotine patches take on just the mental part of tobacco use and are effective for around 16 to 24 hours, while nicotine chewing gum deals with both the physiological and mental facets and should be used only when you have the urge to use tobacco.

You may also consider using smokeless and electronic cigarettes(elektroniskas cigaretes) and anti-smoking capsules. Electronic cigarettes are going to fulfill your need to do something with your hands as well as enable you to smoke without acquiring the damaging effects of nicotine. Antismoking capsules would block your brain's nicotine receptors, and using tobacco while taking these tablets would give you an awful aftertaste. It's highly recommended that you speak with your doctor before taking anti-smoking pills.

If you don't wish to employ pharmaceutical merchandise to stop smoking cigarettes(elektroniske cigaretter), you may also acquire stop smoking support in plant-based remedies and also all-natural treatments. If you make use of plant-based remedies, the nicotine your body has become familiar with would be exchanged for healthier alternatives that give the same effect. The biggest edge that plant-based supplements have over pharmaceutical solutions is that they offer fewer complications. In addition, you could try all-natural treatments like hypnosis and acupuncture to give up smoking cigarettes. Hypnosis is going to present new concepts to your subconscious that would drive you to rid yourself of your addiction, and acupuncture entails the placing of thin needles on specific areas of your body to draw out toxic substances and also produce a sense of well-being.

Apart from receiving smoking cessation support from a multitude of quit smoking aids, it is advisable for you to seek out support groups in your community. With a little research, you'll find local stop smoking groups that have periodic meetings and enable you to speak with former tobacco smokers and other quitters who will offer you valuable recommendations and guidance and recognise precisely what you're dealing with. Apart from support groups, your family, good friends and co-workers could provide the guidance you need to move ahead and remain on the right track.

Books can also be useful for individuals who are attempting to stop using tobacco, especially if they are wide readers. An array of first-rate publications are designed to help individuals stay smoke-free permanently. Some quit smoking books would discuss just the physiological elements of the vice, while other publications would describe the writer's experiences in a biographical manner. It is wise to buy a few books about giving up smoking since these are going to offer you multiple opinions and ideas on how to cope with the different stages of the quit smoking process.

Coming to a decision to stop smoking cigarettes is just the beginning; getting smoking cessation support and knowing what to do would determine the difference between success and failure. Not all of the abovementioned stop smoking tactics are suitable for everyone, so you have to take some time and look for one that best suits you.

Ways To Stop Smoking Permanently by sigarette elettroniche

A lot of smokers want to stop and you might be looking for information on how to stop smoking having made previous unsuccessful attempts sigaretta elettronica.
It is not uncommon to be in this position as stopping smoking cigarettes electroniques is not easy and you need to really make a very firm decision to do so. It may help to write down why you to want to quit to remind you when the going gets tough.
The difficulty with stopping smoking cigarette electronique is there are both physical and mental addictions to beat and beating the physical addition is the easy part (relatively).
People smoke because:
  • It is a pleasurable experience and relaxes the smoker.
  • Smokers have developed an unconscious link between certain activities and environments and smoking elektronisk cigaret.
  • They have an addiction to nicotine.
As an alternative to quitting smoking you might think about using electronic cigarettes(elektroniske cigaretter). People have used these to stop smoking although they are not marketed for this purpose but they do make smoking cheaper, cleaner and harmless to others. You can also choose how much, if any, nicotine they supply.
Some of the possible approaches to stopping smoking are:
Cold Turkey
This is the simplest and cheapest method but not the most successful. You pick a date and from that point you no longer smoke. The initial period is very difficult so you need to be very strong minded to be successful. The success rate is estimated to be between 5% and 10%.
Alternative Sources Of Nicotine
Products such as nicotine patches or gum are used to replace that previously received from cigarettes. They deliver a controlled dose into the body to relieve some of the withdrawal symptoms. There is a lot of variation in the claimed success rates but for nicotine replacement used on its own they vary from 7% to 35%.
Stop Smoking Medication
Medications (such as Zyban) help relieve withdrawal symptoms without the use of nicotine but are intended for short-term use only. There are also homeopathic remedies (such as Smoke Deter) which do the same thing.
Various Therapies
You can learn how to modify your behavior to break habits that lead to smoking and how to stay motivated to quit smoking. In fact it is very difficult to stop smoking without help and support and any sort of counseling or organized program will help considerably.
Quit Smoking Hypnosis
When considering how to stop smoking, hypnosis should be taken seriously as it has success rates of up to 50%. Quit smoking hypnosis is based on reprogramming the subconscious mind to stop associating smoking with pleasure and relaxation and to substitute some other behavior. It can also be used to remove conditioned responses so the smoker loses the urge to smoke when in the environments that used to trigger it.
Hypnosis will not work for everyone, but it is well worth trying.
Best Option
Trying to stop smoking on your own is very difficult and likely to fail. Support of some sort will increase your chance of success considerably and it may be that taking something to help with the nicotine withdrawal, combined with hypnosis or behavioral therapy to address the psychological addiction, is likely to give you the best chance to stop smoking for good.

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Quit Smoking(elektroniskas cigaretes)- Have You Kept Your New Year's Resolution?

I guess the holidays are a time of reduced stress and anxiety and then of course time to quit smoking. How many times have you tried to give up? And each time it becomes more difficult doesn't it? You need to know that you are not alone: 90% of smokers are experiencing the same pain. Now you can quit smoking safely and easily with Vice-Breaker.
It won't happen to me... Many smokers harbour the secret hope that they will be spared the disease and death that follows nicotine addiction. Don't be fooled: With four million people dying every year due to tobacco use around the world, the odds are not in your favor. Statistics show that tobacco kills more people than AIDS, drugs, accidents and alcohol together. Quit Smoking Now! with Vice-Breaker
Whether it's cigarettes(elektroniskas cigaretes), pipe, tobacco or e-cigarettes(elektroniske cigaretter), smoking harms nearly every organ of the body. It's the cause of 87 percent of lung cancer deaths and is responsible for heart and blood vessel disease, stroke, cataracts, impotence and more. According to a recent report,heavy smoking in midlife more than doubles the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia two decades later. And, an epidemiological study that compared the average lifespan of 34 000 smoking doctors with a similar group of non-smokers, showed the smoker's lifespan was reduced by 11 minutes for every cigarette(sigarette elettroniche) smoked!
A very recent study concluded that women who smoke from a young age are at greater risk of developing breast cancer. Moms-to-be need to know that women who smoke have a greater chance of certain pregnancy problems or having a baby die from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). And exposure to smokers is still a major cause of asthma attacks in kids. Quit Smoking Now! with Vice-Breaker And did you know that every time you light up you are inhaling a lethal cocktail of more than 600 additives as well as nicotine? Tobacco companies had been allowed to put additives in cigarettes(sigaretta elettronica) for over 30 years without any public scrutiny, its time to quit smoking.
Second-hand smoke Every smoker knows that evidence abounds that second-hand smoke kills and passive smokers are subjected to as much danger as smokers. Now there is even talk of the danger to health of third-hand smoke found in the curtains and upholstery in smoking areas.
Quit smoking aids There are numerous quit-smoking aids on the market, from hypnosis to drugs to nicotine patches and gums. Electronic cigarettes(elektronines cigaretes) are popular, just like the nicotine patches and gum, qualify as a smoking alternative, not a quit aid. e-cigarette (cigarros electronicos) do not cure the addiction or the habit. It is counter-productive to substitute a nicotine delivery device that looks, for all intents and purposes, just like the cigarettes(cigarro electronico) we are working so hard to break free of. They are largely untested and the amount of nicotine in them can vary, as well as other possibly harmful chemical ingredients.
So what do I recommend? Only 100% natural herbal anti-smoking remedies whose safety has been confirmed. They are usually formulated to help reduce nicotine cravings and reduce the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal, such as stress and irritability. Vice-BreakerTM, is such a supplement, with the added benefit of cleansing the lungs at the same time. Because of its impressive track record, safety and efficacy, I have seen to it that Vice-Breaker is available in South Africa.
Weight gain Many smokers are concerned about weight gain after quitting and use this as an excuse not to quit. You'd have to gain a very large amount of weight to offset the many substantial health benefits that a smoker gains by quitting. Watching what you eat and going for a 30 minute brisk walk daily will ensure you quit without gaining much weight.

Seven Harmful Chemicals in Cigarettes(sigarette elettroniche) That Will Put You Off For Life

When you go out and buy a cigarette(sigaretta elettronica) are you aware of all the chemicals that exist in a cigarette(cigarettes electroniques)? Well you know about Nicotine but do you know what it does to you? No I would say you honestly do not have a clue! Well I am going to tell you because if you really want to go along in life blindly smoking cigarettes(cigarette electronique) then I think somebody ie ME, should open those eyes for you.
To start with before I wrote this article I was not aware of all the chemicals that are contained in that little stick you put in your mouth. Well it has been determined that the smoke from a fag emits up to 4000 chemicals which could have various toxic, mutagenic - capable of inducing mutation and carcinogenic - causing or tending to cause cancer effects. The content and concentration of chemical ingredients can vary widely from one brand or type of cigarette(elektronisk cigaret) to the next. Below is a list of 7 of those 4000 and what they do.
NICOTINE - (Insecticide/addictive drug) - This is one of the most addictive substances known to man. This is the chemical that causes addiction to the cigarette(elektroniske cigaretter) and is a very powerful and fast acting medical and non-medical poison.
CARBON MONOXIDE (Car Exhaust Fumes) - This is an odourless and tasteless poisonous gas. If taken in large amounts it can be fatal.
AMMONIA (toilet cleaner) - This product is found in dry cleaning products, but its use in a cigarette(elektronischen zigaretten) is to give flavouring and to release the Nicotine from the tobacco to turn it into a gas.
FORMALDEHYDE (embalming fluid) - A colourless liquid used to preserve dead bodies. It is highly poisonous and can cause cancer as well as respiratory, skin and stomach problems.
BENZENE (petrol additive) - A colourless hydrocarbon obtained from coal and petroleum. It is used as a solvent in fuel and chemical manufacture and is released in the smoke of the cigarette(elektronische zigarette). It is known to cause cancer and especially leukaemia.
ACETONE (nail polish remover) - Used as a solvent and found in the smoke of the cigarette(cigarrillos electronicos).
TAR - This is the main chemical drawn into the lungs. When a cigarette(cigarrillo electronico) is smoked the actual smoke that is inhaled condenses and approx 70% of the tar in the smoke is deposited into the lungs.
Now that I have written the above I can see how people become addicted so easily but I cannot see any reason to not attempt to break the addiction. If anyone who wants to give up cannot see a good reason not to then I feel very sorry for their health. Also I want everyone to give up as I do not want to inhale passive smoke from anybody because I too can see what harm that must do to non smoker.